
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Kingdom of Ashes: Stasis Vessel Index
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Kingdom of Ashes: Stasis Vessel Index

Luaith Ring - "...lost to the gloom, no telling where it will appear." (already found) Saol Ring - "...queen of eight... when the sun is shining does she bring her jewelry out to sparkle..." Spiorad Ring - "Deep beneath the ground... only chaotic explosions can free this tricky ring from the slimes' hold." Anam Ring - "... goblin obsessed with treasure has stolen this ring, though he sees little value in it." Abhar Ring - "... when the gloom emerges from the shadows... the gift of the Reaver infested forest may present itself." Leim Ring - "... near a beach, with pillars subjugated by time, a bird dropped it atop its nest"