
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

The Archon Assault

Start Text

Omen believes the secrets of the Codex are locked in the Repository of Knowledge, but you need a connection. Use the trace to complete a Hunt against the Archon Commander.

While Active

It appears the Avar Church caught wind of the Silver Codex's experiments with Shadow and Chaos; they sent a detachment of Imperial Archons to cull the heresies. Omen wants you to use the trace to complete a Hunt against the leader of the Imperial forces, the Archon Commander. Learn what brought the Archons to Aurelian.

Success Text

You ventured into the Undercroft and defeated the Archon Commander, leader of the Imperial incursion into Aurelian. However, you haven't found a connection to the Repository of Knowledge. The false monk Magan may have the answers you need.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Craft the Archon Commander Gloomtrace

Phase 2

Enter the Archon Commander Hunt in the Undercroft

Phase 3

Complete the Archon Commander Hunt in the Undercroft

Phase 4

Leave the Hunt

Phase 5

Confront Brother Magan