
A Worthy Opponent

Start Text

You were attacked by a terrifying monstrosity saturated with the Gloom. It was far stronger than other nearby creatures, but it disappeared part way into the fight. It would be best to see if Omen knows its weaknesses in-case this happens again.

While Active

You are in search of more information about a strangely powerful creature you faced within the Gloom. It disappeared before you could fell the creature, which is strange behavior for a Gloom creature. You should speak with Omen in Skylight and see if she knows no more about it.

Success Text

When you were stalked by a vile Gloom creature, you turned to Omen and the Huntmaster for knowledge. By hunting three Highlands creatures, you proved to the Huntmaster and yourself that you could take on a Whisperer.
Repeatable: false


    Phase 1

    Ask Omen About the Gloom Creature

    Phase 2

    Speak to the Huntmaster in Skylight

    Phase 3

    Kill the Silent Butcher in the Highlands

    Kill the Earth Shaker in the Highlands

    Kill Tyran's Bane in Highlands

    Phase 4

    Return to the Huntmaster in Skylight