
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Frayed Filaments

Start Text

Skylight's Foreman, Ruby, needs you to gather readings of the arcane energy that maintains Skylight's power. Find the readings at several different spots throughout the city and return to her.

While Active

Ruby wants to build a more resilient power grid. She’s asked you to take readings with an arcanist’s resonator of the power network throughout Skylight.

Success Text

You took readings for Ruby and discovered Skylight's arcanic power wasn't well-distributed. But when you got her the materials to upgrade her power source, it was too much. Now the city is running on backup power.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Take Power Readings Around Skylight

Phase 2

Bring 50 Spectra to Ruby

Phase 3

Activate the New Power Supply for Skylight