
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Project Re-Venge Re-Visited With A Re-Vengeance

Start Text

Venge has modified Amplifying Crystals to home in on goblin tunnels beneath the Highlands. Follow their echolocations to a prime spot to collapse the tunnels beneath it.

While Active

You are using Venge's modified Amplifying Crystals to echolocate the goblin tunnels beneath the Highlands. If you follow their signals, you can find where to collapse the tunnels.

Success Text

You fought off a horde of Geartooth goblins to collapse their tunnels, endangering them and hopefully keeping them occupied for a long while. They'll be less of a problem for Skylight, and Venge is grateful... or as grateful as he gets, anyway.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Super-Surprising Subterranean Saboteur Strategy: Echolocate at Site 1

Phase 2

Super-Surprising Subterranean Saboteur Strategy: Echo Locate at Site 2

Phase 3

Super-Surprising Subterranean Saboteur Strategy: Echo Locate at Site 3

Phase 4

Stone-Cold Stomping Strategy: Plant and Defend the Reverberating Crystal

Phase 5

Return to Venge in Skylight