
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Elusive Truths

Start Text

Many people who went missing were near the cave. If the Reavers are responsible, they would have taken them to the Bone Orchard. Investigate there. If you can save anyone, question them to get at the heart of what happened.

While Active

Many people who went missing were near the cave. If the Reavers are responsible, they would take them to the Bone Orchard. Investigate there and save anyone you can find.

Success Text

Despite freeing the captured residents of Deepwood Holt, you found no smoking gun. Reeve Maelon Sol, Vaf, and Fovur all seem equally suspicious in their ties to the cave. Warden Rust is formulating a plan to trick the traitor into revealing themselves.
Repeatable: false


    Phase 1

    Check in With Warden Rust

    Phase 2

    Find and Rescue Prisoners in the Bone Orchard

    Phase 3

    Find and Rescue More Prisoners in the Bone Orchard

    Phase 4

    Find and Rescue Prisoners in the Bone Orchard

    Phase 5

    Report Back to Warden Rust

    Phase 6

    Question Reeve Maelon Sol Again

    Phase 7

    Question Vaf Again

    Phase 8

    Question Fovur Again

    Phase 9

    Report to Warden Rust