
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

The Thousand Faces

Start Text

Rust cannot leave Deepwood Holt to see if Raina made it safely to Skylight. Speak to Foreman Ruby in Skylight and see where Raina may have settled before reporting back to Rust.

While Active

Warden Rust needs to know if his fiancee Raina is still alive. Talk to Foreman Ruby in Skylight to see if she's provided housing for Raina.

Success Text

Raina was in Skylight, but she has married someone else and is pregnant with their child. Warden Rust is heartbroken and has asked for time to process the news.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Talk to Foreman Ruby in Skylight

Phase 2

Deliver Cragged Spectra to Ruby

Added Items at Phase Success
Supplies for Refugees

Phase 3

Deliver Supplies to Deepwood Holt Refugees

Phase 4

Deliver Supplies to Deepwood Holt Refugees

Phase 5

Deliver Supplies to Deepwood Holt Refugees

Phase 6

Check in with Ruby in Upper Skylight

Phase 7

Talk to Deepwood Holt Refugees

Phase 8

Talk to Deepwood Holt refugees

Phase 9

Talk to Deepwood Holt Refugees

Phase 10

Return to Foreman Ruby

Phase 11

Visit Raina's Home in Skylight

Phase 12

Return to Warden Rust in Deepwood Holt