
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Energy Crisis

Start Text

Warden Hass needs you to find Shrikes that are drinking Godsblood in Lower Skylight and confiscate it before any more people get hurt.

While Active

Warden Hass wants you to stop the rampaging Shrikes who have consumed Godsblood before they destroy the city, and then bring back the rest of their supply. This should prevent more of them from imbibing and ensure Skylight doesn't run out of fuel.

Success Text

You were able to secure Godsblood for Skylight and stop the rampaging Shrikes. Unfortunately, it seems the Azure Shrikes are planting bombs near the Rustred hideout. Looks like your work isn't done yet.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Defeat Groups of Enraged Shrikes Drinking Godsblood in Lower Skylight

Phase 2

Travel to Kestrel's Hideout

Phase 3

Talk to Kestrel

Phase 4

Deposit the Supplies Downstairs

Phase 5

Talk to Kestrel