
The Database has not been updated for the non-MMO version of the game, and likely won't be.

Find the Liar: Vaf

Start Text

In order to track down who is responsible for the incident in the hidden cave, Rust suggested talking to the three who stayed behind. You should speak to Vaf, a foreman, to acquire information that can help.

While Active

A pile of human bones in a hidden cave had the message, "He lied", scrawled in the dirt beside it. Talk to the residents of Deepwood Holt and figure out who "he" is, before "he" makes another skeleton.

Success Text

Vaf suggested investigating a strange totem in the Shrouded Woods, but it was not tied to the liar or the strange cave. Unfortunately, his information didn't bring us much closer to figuring out the truth behind the cave incident.
Repeatable: false


Phase 1

Speak to Vaf

Phase 2

Find and Destroy a Totem That Strengthens Reavers in the Shrouded Woods

Phase 3

Return to Vaf